Technical optimisations – May 2019

Technical optimisation of this month : Conversion on FRS websites – Mobile App Banner and redirection to App Download page – Back to Home in burger Menu – Book Now button fix in menu tab – Book button available on Offer and Restaurant pages

  • Conversion on FRS websites
    We are happy to inform you that all FRS hotels having contracted a hotel website with D-EDGE can now see their conversions on for their Hotel websites analytics.

The release happened in May for all SWISS HOTELS, RAFFLES & FAIRMONT projects managed by D-Edge.

This enhancement to tracking delivers to FRS hoteliers a clearer view of their website conversion capacity and helps them analyse the impacts of their action plan for website optimisation and communication.

    • Mobile App Banner and redirection to App Download page:
      Migration to new tracking platform used by central Accor
    • Back to Home in burger Menu
      A Home tab has been added to the burger menu by default; this will allow the user to access the homepage more easily.

    • Book Now button fix in menu tab
      The Book now button is now fixed on menu tab when there are more than 7-8 tabs.

    • Book button available on Offer and Restaurant pages
      Now on Offer pages, you will have a Book this Offer button replacing the Book a room button. And, this button remains visible even when you scroll down the page. This same behaviour is applied to Restaurant pages with the Book a Table button.

NEW award page available as a page template

To create an award page on your website:

  1. From the web back office menu, select Page and click Add New
  2. Enter the Page Title, choose the Page Template Awards, and select the Page Parent to which you want to add the awards page.
  3. Add descriptive content in the Description field, if needed
  4. Click Create new page.
  5. To add the desired award :
    1. Upload a Logo
    2. Enter the Date and year
    3. Enter the Title of your award
    4. Include a short Description

  6. Click Add more to add another award.
  7. When you have added all your awards, click Update.

Look at some examples from the Sofitel and Pullman templates.