What did D-EDGE change on your site to comply with “ALL”?

Check the complete list of changes that the D-EDGE team applied after the launch of “ALL”.

The D-EDGE team applied several changes on your hotel website to comply with the new ALL Accor Live Limitless brand identity and website.

The modifications did not affect content owned by the hoteliers like text and images. D-EDGE have not changed the content that can’t be changed by hoteliers in the Content Management System – WordPress (CMS).


The D-EDGE developer team replaced the following URL to insure clean redirections to the ALL booking funnel:

Current URL : https://www.accorhotels.com/lien_externe.svlt? etc.

New URL: https://all.accor.com/lien_externe.svlt? etc.


Wording: “Le Club AccorHotels” has been replaced by “ALL – Accor Live Limitless”

“AccorHotels” has been changed to “Accor”

“Le Club AccorHotels”  has been changed to “ALL, Accor’s lifestyle loyalty program” or “ALL, le programme de fidélité Accor”

“AccorHotels Meeting Planner”  has been changed to “ALL Meeting Planner”


The following URLs have been replaced the current URLs in your website’s footer:

LOYALTY: https://all.accor.com/loyalty-program/reasonstojoin/index.[language].shtml

CAREER: https://jobs.accor.com/home.aspx changed to: https://careers.accor.com/home.aspx

ACCOR GROUP: https://group.accor.com/[language]

ALL websites links: https://all.accor.com


“AccorHotels” APP by “Accor All” APP (“A” in uppercase and “ll” in lowercase)

If you see any modifications that are missing or in error, please contact:

South and East Europe, Middle East and Africa East Europe


North Europe




All – Accor Live Limitless launched on December 3rd

The new Accor loyalty program has been released on December 3rd on all Accor digital assets.

Because your website is one of those assets, below we’ve listed the changes D-EDGE applied for you and the modifications you must do to comply with the new branding.

If you want to know more about the program, click here


Download the Presentation:
English version
French version

New Tripadvisor Widget

The D-EDGE Web Studio completed the development of the new version of Tripadvisor widget for:

1. Sofitel
2. Sofitel SO
3. Sofitel Legend
4. Mgallery

The widget is active on all websites for these Brands.

The D-EDGE Web Studio completed the development of the new version of Tripadvisor widget for:

1. Sofitel
2. Sofitel SO
3. Sofitel Legend
4. Mgallery

The widget is active on all websites for these Brands. Below, we show you an example:

These are the changes:

  • Added client reviews next to the overall hotel rating
  • Added client ratings under the title

A new way to celebrate with your Wedding Page template

The D-EDGE Web Studio is pleased to inform you about the new enhancements for the Wedding Page template.
Our Team improved the Wedding Page template by:

  • Giving you the ability to use a different email address for the Wedding Form [learn how to do it]
  • Adding the functionality to categorise offers related to weddings [learn how to do it]
  • Developing Weddings Page templates for MGallery [read more]

Dedicated email for Wedding Forms

Our Development Team has made a change to the CMS so now you can add a dedicated email address to the Weddings Form.

It’s simple! Below, we show you how:

1. Select Hotel Options > Emails for Forms.

2. In the Wedding email(s) field, add one or more email addresses (copy/paste is allowed).

Multiple email addresses need to be separated with a comma.

3. Remember to save before leaving the page.

Set up the Wedding category for your offers

A new Wedding category has been added to the CMS.
Now you can categorise offers related to weddings.

Below, we show you how:

1. Select “Offers” and then select the offer where you want to add the category.

2. Categories are set in the top-right corner of the single offer page.

3. Select “Wedding” for the category and theme.

4. Remember to save before leaving the page.

Add a second level navigation sub-menu

A new option has been enable on these four templates : Sofitel, Sofitel So, Sofitel Legend and MGallery.
You can notice that a submenu has been added, this new option will ease the user navigation. If you want to disable it, it’s very simple:

Go to Hotel Options in the left menu -> menu manager ->Disable Sub Menus

  • MGallery template


  • Sofitel Template


  • Sofitel So template
  • Sofitel Legend template