A new way to celebrate with your Wedding Page template

The D-EDGE Web Studio is pleased to inform you about the new enhancements for the Wedding Page template.
Our Team improved the Wedding Page template by:

  • Giving you the ability to use a different email address for the Wedding Form [learn how to do it]
  • Adding the functionality to categorise offers related to weddings [learn how to do it]
  • Developing Weddings Page templates for MGallery [read more]

Dedicated email for Wedding Forms

Our Development Team has made a change to the CMS so now you can add a dedicated email address to the Weddings Form.

It’s simple! Below, we show you how:

1. Select Hotel Options > Emails for Forms.

2. In the Wedding email(s) field, add one or more email addresses (copy/paste is allowed).

Multiple email addresses need to be separated with a comma.

3. Remember to save before leaving the page.

Set up the Wedding category for your offers

A new Wedding category has been added to the CMS.
Now you can categorise offers related to weddings.

Below, we show you how:

1. Select “Offers” and then select the offer where you want to add the category.

2. Categories are set in the top-right corner of the single offer page.

3. Select “Wedding” for the category and theme.

4. Remember to save before leaving the page.